The SFI’s Poster and Leaflet Archive is part of the Documentation and Library Services Department of the National Film Archive. The collections contain, in particular, posters and leaflets (small promotional printouts) to Slovak films, foreign films distributed in the territory of Slovakia and to film events (festivals, films days, etc.) related to Slovak cinema. The posters and leaflets included in the archive collections are not available for loan in order to protect them and they may leave the archive only for exceptional and justified reasons. However, Slovak film posters are made to be presented to the public at exhibitions. Posters and leaflets that are digitally reproduced can be made available for study purposes on the premises of the SFI library’s study room. Further services of the Poster and Leaflet Archive are provided to the public in accordance with the Loan Regulations Governing Access to Film Copies of Audiovisual Works and Audiovisual Recordings, Archived Documents and Collectibles and Access to Related Services of the National Film Archive.

Extended searches in the SFI Catalogue database – SK CINEMA

NFA SFI Loan Regulations

Price List for Services and Fees


Overview of the Basic Division and State of Processing of Collections

Posters to Slovak films processed
Posters to foreign films partially processed
Posters of film personalities processed
Posters to film festivals and events partially processed
Object posters not processed
Leaflets to Slovak films partially processed
Leaflets to foreign films not processed
Leaflets to film festivals and events partially processed
Film calendars partially processed
Diplomas and awards partially processed

Collection administration and processing:
Ing. Eva Bosáková

Contact: Ing. Eva Bosáková, tel.: + 421 2 5710 1506, e-mail:

PhDr. Jana Stradiotová, Head of Documentation and Library Services Department
tel.: + 421 2 5710 1523, e-mail:

Loan Hours
Monday – Friday: by individual agreement