The statutory depository: pursuant to Section 33, par. 1, subpar. c) of Act No. 343/2007 on the Conditions of Registration, Public Distribution and Preservation of Audiovisual Works, Multimedia Works and Audio Recordings of Art Performances and on the Amendment and Supplementation of Certain Acts (Audiovisual Act), the Slovak Film Institute deposits audiovisual works that it is obliged to preserve and treat in a professional manner. Pursuant to Sections 34 to 36 of the Act, the SFI is also responsible for communication with the producers of new Slovak audiovisual works who are obliged to comply with the following within thirty days from the date of the première:
– pursuant to Section 34, to submit every audiovisual work produced to SFI collections for preservation either on the original medium or (if the original is archived with another depository) on a medium achieving the quality of the original, together with accompanying documentation materials;
– pursuant to Section 36, to submit every audiovisual work produced with financial support of the state to SFI collections on a medium achieving the quality of the original, together with accompanying documentation materials. If the audiovisual work was not supported from state funds, the producer is obliged to offer this work to the SFI for purchase in the collections on a medium achieving the quality of the original, together with accompanying documentation materials.

Registration of audiovisual works is an activity ensuing from Act No 343/2007 – Audiovisual Act; it is performed by the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic.

Metodické usmernenie – zákonný depozit

Contakt: Mgr. Art. Iva Sýkorová, tel.: + 421 2 5710 1530, 0907 723 971